ClimateForce Podcast
Saving the world one podcast a time
Our podcast focuses on how we can save it. Hopefully it's a little bit of fun, little bit inspirational, little bit educational and some awesomeness. We'll focus on habits, tech and talent that will help us save the world.

Episode #6: Matt Houde (Quaise Energy), Super deep geothermal energy across the world
Hold on to your energy hats. This podcast is tells the story of how of one startup is working on methods to access and use super deep geothermal energy across the world. Everyone is always talking about solar, wind and nuclear. But what if geothermal is the source that changes everything?
This podcast is with Matt Houde ( who is the co-Founder and Project Manager at Quaise Energy (embed url). Quaise is developing technology that will drill down 12 miles (about 20 km) below the Earth’s surface to where temperatures are around 900 degrees F (yeah, that’s hot).
This will allow them to tap into this inexhaustible supply of energy across the world. But to drill that far is a huge engineering effort. Keep in mind the deep hole ever drilled on Earth is just 7.6 miles. And they want to drill hundreds or even thousands of these holes.
Check out this podcast to hear what they’re working on.